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Please note the following legal provisions regarding this site: This web site may contain references to property rights and information on copyrights, the compliance of which is mandatory. This shall particularly apply to logos, images, sound files and videos. Downloading, printing and storing files from this web site is permitted for exclusively private use. Any other application shall be subject to the express permission of voestalpine AG. voestalpine AG shall assume no liability for data loss or other technical impingements that arise from downloading data from this web site. voestalpine AG shall assume no liability for the content of any Internet sites linked to the content of this web site.
Contact information
voestalpine AG
voestalpine-Straße 1
4020 Linz, Austria
Tel.: +43/50304/15-0
Fax: +43/50304/55-0
Company Registry: Handelsgericht Linz
Company Registry Number: FN 66209 t
DVR Number: 0752533
Value Added Tax Identification Number: ATU 36919607
voestalpine AG and the Austrian subsidiaries are members of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce in accordance with the respective legal provisions. Memberships in the various bodies of the Chamber of Commerce are listed on the official website found at
Information regarding Mediengesetz MEG § 25
Object of the company
The object of the company is to act as a holding company with respect to the companies merged into a group under its centralized management within the meaning of section 15 AktG [remark: AktG means the Austrian Corporation Act]. The object of these group companies includes in particular research and development in the sphere of metallurgy, metal processing and materials engineering, and the production, processing and distribution of materials, in particular steel and products made of steel; the research and development of new production technologies, trade and the provision of commercial, technical and organizational services. More information can be found in the articles of asocciation of voestalpine AG.
Board Structure
Management Board of voestalpine AG
Supervisory Board of voestalpine AG
The voestalpine AG share is listed on the Official Market of the Vienna Stock Exchange since 1995 and is owned by their shareholders – more information about the shareholder structure.
Editorial policy
This website contains industry-, company- and product-related information for the general public, customers and investors of voestalpine AG. In addition to this current news from the company are published on this site.
Data protection/privacy
Our dataprotection/privacy job portal explains the nature, scope, and purpose of us collecting and using your personal data when you visit and use our website ("job portal").
Please visit the data protection site for further information.
Other information
For the purpose of easier legibility, references to persons are generally not gender-specific. In the event that persons are referenced in the masculine form, this automatically includes the female staff members.